A television series created by Mike Weiss and Heidi Cole McAdams for ABC Signature and Hulu. The series features roles played by Mandy Patinkin, Violette Beane and Rahul Kohli.
Pellikola produced a part of the series that was filmed in Malta.
A television series created by Mike Weiss and Heidi Cole McAdams for ABC Signature and Hulu. The series features roles played by Mandy Patinkin, Violette Beane and Rahul Kohli.
Pellikola produced a part of the series that was filmed in Malta.
A drama set against the world of online gamblers who fled Sweden for Malta. An exiled conman goes to a lavish wedding, seeking redemption but derailing on a wild goose chase of lies, deceit and murder.
Enchanting bays, rocky cliffs, and crystal-clear water—the idyllic setting of “A Summer in Malta” a romantic comedy produced for ZDF
A neo-realist drama offering a rare glimpse into Malta’s fishing industry.
A look at the multi-billion dollar business surrounding international professional football.